Unreal First Person Demo
A downloadable demo
This is simply just a demo of a player system I made in Unreal Engine. Don't expect much content.
Usual Sprint and Crouch buttons (Shift, Ctrl)
Ctrl + Shift is Sprint Crouch...cause why not
Z is crawl...again why not
C to toggle the handheld camera
F to toggle flashlight
B to zoom (only in handheld camera)
And well jumping is allowed, why wouldn't it be
Updated | 1 day ago |
Published | 2 days ago |
Status | Prototype |
Author | Omega2791 |
Tags | demo, Singleplayer, Unreal Engine |
uhh.zip 482 MB
Install instructions
Not really installation but just in case:
After download it should just be in your downloads folder unless you changed that.
Simply just unzip and find the exe file.
Any issues? Do comment! I mean I did pack this on a pretty good school computer...but it has a lot of admin restrictions so I'm not sure if anything got messed up by that...